Ms.Tina 516-802-2055 ☆☆☆47 Jackson Ave Syosset, NY 11791
Ms. Lisa: 646-752-7752☆☆☆ 37-11 Main st #B15 Flushing,11354
Reflexology massage

Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands and feet that relate to every organ, gland, and system of the body.


Shiatsu (指圧) (shi meaning finger and atsu meaning pressure) is an eastern (oriental) born therapy that uses pressure applied with thumbs, fingers and palms to the same energy meridians as acupressure and incorporates stretching. It also uses techniques such as rolling, brushing, vibrating, grasping and in one particular technique developed by Suzuki Yamamoto, pressure is applied with the feet on the persons back, legs and feet (special set up is required for the "foot" shiatsu).


1. 藏蒸疗法对神经衰弱和失眠的好处:每晚藏药蒸脚可使神经系统得到强制锻炼,调节植物神经功能,改善并提高睡眠效果,长期坚持可以恢复到正常。

2. 藏蒸疗法可防治高血压:藏药蒸脚可有效的促进血液循环,调节内分泌系统,清除血管壁上的血脂,排除血管垃圾,增强血管弹性,促使血流通畅,从而使血压平稳。

3. 藏蒸疗法可防治风湿性关节炎:藏药蒸脚能促进血液循环,通络活血,祛寒消炎,排除关节风湿,长期熏蒸对风湿性关节炎很好的理疗效果。

4. 藏蒸疗法可防治腿脚麻木:藏药蒸脚可激活腿部神经末梢,疏通腿部经络,消除腿脚麻木。

5. 藏蒸疗法可防治糖尿病:坚持藏药蒸脚可调节内分泌,使胰岛细胞康复,促进胰岛素的分泌,达到控制血糖的目的。

6. 藏蒸疗法的减肥效应:用藏蒸减肥药对人体进行全方位的熏蒸,全身毛孔扩张,排除皮下多余脂肪,从而达到减肥的目的。

7. 臧蒸疗法起到美容的作用:特制的藏药可排出体内各脏腑毒素,清除皮下黑色素,能改善皮肤色素沉着,美白淡斑。

8. 用藏药熏蒸局部,对妇科病、前列腺、痔疮等都有很好的防治作用。

9. 臧蒸疗法对腿脚肿痛、酸软无力具有不错的恢复作用。

10. 经常使用藏药熏蒸,可保持经络通畅、消除疲劳、防止感冒、强身健体、延年益寿。

Modern times
Marathon runners receiving massages at the 2004 ING Taipei International MarathonChina: In modern times, massage in China has developed by absorbing western ideas into the traditional framework. It is widely practiced and taught in hospital and medical schools and is an essential part of primary healthcare.
United States: Massage started to become popular in the United States in the middle part of the 1800s.and was introduced by two New York physicians based on Per Henrik Ling's techniques developed in Sweden.

During the 1930s and 1940s massage's influence decreased as a result of medical advancements of the time, while in the 1970s massage's influence grew once again with a notable rise among athletes.Massage was used up until the 1960s and 1970s by nurses to help ease patients’ pain and help them sleep.

Because it is illegal to advertise or offer sexual services in much of the United States, such services are sometimes advertised as "massage," hence the rise of the term "massage therapy" in an attempt to provide a distinction between sexual and non-sexual services.

A hot stone massage.
A stone massage uses cold or water-heated stones to apply pressure and heat to the body. Stones coated in oil can also be used by the therapist delivering various massaging strokes. The hot stones used are commonly river stones which over time, have become extremely polished and smooth. As the stones are placed along the recipient's back, they help to retain heat which then deeply penetrates into the muscles, releasing tension.

Traditional Chinese massage

Two types of traditional Chinese massage exist - Tui na (推拿) which focuses on pushing, stretching and kneading the muscle and Zhi Ya (指壓) which focuses on pinching and pressing at acupressure points. Both are based on principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Though in the Western countries Tui Na is viewed as massage, it is not. Massage of Chinese Medicine is known as Anmo(按摩), which is the foundation of Japan's Anma.

Tui Na is Chinese Medicine's Physio-Therapy. Utilized for medical purposes instead of relaxation, Tui Na works to correct the patient's problems, from musculoskeletal conditions, to diseases, cancers and even minor and major headaches.

Within the foundation of Tui Na, Traditional Chinese Medicine principles are followed, from Meridian Applications to Herbal Formulas, Qigong Therapy and heated herbal application (Moxa). Technique applications such as friction and vibration are used as well.

United States

In the United States there are about 90,000 massage therapists.[8] Most states in the United States require a license to practice massage therapy. If a state does not have any massage laws, then the national certification in massage therapy is not required and a practitioner need not apply for a license with the state. However, the practitioner will need to check whether any local or county laws cover massage therapy. Training programs in the US are typically 500–1000 hours in length, and can award a certificate, diploma, or degree depending on the particular school.[49] There are around 1,300 programs training massage therapists in the country and study will often include anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, massage techniques, first aid and CPR, business, ethical and legal issues, and hands on practice along with continuing education requirements if regulated.[6] The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA) is one of the organizations that works with massage schools in the U.S.

Thirty-nine states, the District of Columbia and four Canadian provinces currently offer some type of credential to professionals in the massage and bodywork field---usually licensure, certification or registration.[7][50] Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia require some type of licensing for massage therapists.[51] In the US, 32 states use the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork's certification program as a basis for granting licenses either by rule or statute.[52] The National Board grants the designation Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCTMB). There are two tests available and one can become certified through a portfolio process with equivalent training and experience.[53] Between 10% and 20% of towns or counties regulate the profession.[41] These local regulations can range from prohibition on opposite sex massage, fingerprinting and venereal checks from a doctor, to prohibition on house calls because of concern regarding sale of sexual services.[41][54]

In the US, licensure is the highest level of regulation and this restricts anyone without a license from practicing massage therapy or by calling themselves that protected title. Certification allows only those who meet certain educational criteria to use the protected title and registration only requires a listing of therapists who apply and meet an educational requirement.[54]

In late 2007, the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards launched a new certification exam titled the MBLEx. Approximately 13 states have accepted this certification exam.

Getting a Foothold . . .

Our feet take a daily beating. They bear our full body weight every time we stand and with each step we take, and they put up with things like poor footwear, improper body mechanics, and hard walking surfaces. It's clear that they deserve a little TLC now and then.

Foot massage can be done for relief or relaxation, for love, for fun, or just because! Grab someone's foot and start rubbing today! : )

Anatomy of the Foot

•Toes - we usually have five on each foot. They are small and have one joint in the toe itself, and one joint attaching it to the foot. Be careful with the toes, they are delicate.

•Ball - the pad on the bottom of the foot, just before the toes. It's the meatiest part of the foot. It has some flexibility.

•Arch - the support system of the foot, almost like a tension bridge. This can be a sensitive area, prone to stress and inflammation. Be careful when beginning to massage this part, and get feedback.

•Heel - the bony end of the foot, it takes a lot of impact while walking. Gentle massage is indicated, since there is little muscle here.

•Ankle - the joint that attaches the foot to the leg. There are bony prominences on each side, which are very delicate and prone to bruising. It is surrounded by ligaments and tendons.

Hand Placement

When seated, the foot should come to about your chest level. It's easy to grasp from here with the fingers on the top of the foot, and the thumbs on the sole.

Make circles across the ball of the foot with your thumb.

Use your thumb to apply pressure in an upwards stroke in the arch of the foot.

Glide your hands down the back of the heel, gently squeezing.

Attend to each toe - be gentle and don't pull too hard.

Make small circles around the ankle on both sides. Do this symmetrically. A special thanks to my husband for donating his feet for the photos! Basic Technique

•Wash your hands. Ask the recipient to wash and dry their feet.

•Place a towel under their feet.

•Choose a balm or cream. Oil is gooey and lotion absorbs too fast.

•Begin by sitting facing the soles of their feet. Place your hands such that your fingers are on the top of their foot and your thumbs are on the pad. The first strokes should be firm enough not to tickle, but light enough that they don't hurt. Remember, feet are bony.

•Travel up and down the foot. Fingertips are going from the base of the toes to the front of the ankle and back, and thumbs are going from pad to arch and back.

•Now concentrate on the pad of the foot. This area can usually withstand a bit more pressure. Use your thumbs to work in circular motions.

•The arch of the foot can usually take light-to-moderate pressure. It's an easy area to see. Again, use your thumb to work in circles or an up/down stroke with the emphasis of the pressure on the up.

•Standing to the side of the foot, grab it with both hands and gently "wring" it out like you would a wet washcloth. Again, fingers should be on the top of the foot and thumbs on the bottom.

•Coming back to your starting place, gently work between the bones on the top of the foot. There isn't much space in there, but all you have to do is let your fingers glide in the space.

•Now for the heel - again, circular motions with the thumb. Be sure to get the back of the heel as well by gently lifting the foot, placing the back of the heel in your hand, and letting your hand glide toward you. This makes a nice hand-over-hand technique.

•The toes will be wanting some attention as well. Again, be gentle. You don't really want to place your whole finger between toes for fear of disjointing or splitting the skin. Simple use the palms of both hands to give them a light rub, and then gently pinch each toe between your index finger and thumb and pull up with a gliding motion.

•A lovely finishing touch is to work on the sides of the ankle. With one hand on each side, use your fingertips to work small circles around the outside of the bony area.

•Return to the first stroke technique for the finale. You want to start and finish with the warmth of your hands contacting the foot.

Nail salon

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A nail salon or nail bar is a beauty services establishment that primarily offers nail care services such as manicures, pedicures, and nail enhancements. Often, nail salons also offer skin care services. There are approximately 58,330 nail salons (2007) in the U.S., according to the trade publication "NAILS Magazine.". People who work at nail salons are usually called "nail technicians or manicurists."

Nail salons offer a variation of options for nail care. This includes acrylics, silk or fiberglass wraps, french manicures, polish, pedicures etc., Some nail salons are offering one-stop beauty services. In addition to nail services, these one-stop nail salons offer facial treatments, waxing, and skin care.

A nail salon or nail bar is a beauty services establishment that primarily offers nail care services such as manicures, pedicures, and nail enhancements. Often, nail salons also offer skin care services. There are approximately 58,330 nail salons (2007) in the U.S., according to the trade publication "NAILS Magazine.". People who work at nail salons are usually called "nail technicians or manicurists."

Nail salons offer a variation of options for nail care. This includes acrylics, silk or fiberglass wraps, french manicures, polish, pedicures etc., Some nail salons are offering one-stop beauty services. In addition to nail services, these one-stop nail salons offer facial treatments, waxing, and skin care.


西藏交通不便, 祖祖辈辈长年生活在高原缺氧、寒冷的恶劣环境中。独特的气候环境,复杂多样的地形地貌,丰富的药物资源,造就了藏族人用身边藏药抵御疾病谋求生存的本能,他们经常挖采藏药薰蒸浴身来防治各种疾病,辟邪消灾,积累了不少驱除病魔的良方。


   传统的薰蒸疗法,一般是将药物煮沸,上罩以蒸桶 ( 箱 ) ,叫病人坐进蒸桶之内,再把蒸桶盖好,利用药水蒸汽薰蒸病人全身,以达防病治病的目的。“藏蒸堂”集古老的药物薰疗精华和现代的科技创新为一体,用负离子蒸汽器煎煮药包,温度自动调节,独具有不交叉感染和多功能的特点,使藏药薰疗从原始走向环保经济和科学时尚!





























